On the 31st of August 2013, I turned 21 years old. By this stage of life, most Americans would have been either in college, working on a job, living independently, and paying their own bills.
Well, I'm not an American, but those are the kind of life I anticipated I would have been living right now.
Alas, as you might be aware of, I am currently battling with a disease I am unsure I will overcome. Today, I should have been in college, studying for the big final. But here I am... At home with my parents.
I should have my driving liecence by now. Yes, I haven't got one. And my own car perhaps. But still, mom is still driving me around.
Today, I woke up at 7am. Try as I may, I couldn't get back to sleep. So I turn on the TV... I was sleeping in the living room. You see, my family is living in a government quarters. My family have 7 members and the house only had 2 bedrooms. I prefer not to share a room with my teenage brothers.
I was surfing the channels on the TV, and did only that until noon. At 12 I took my shower, lunch and my meds... And back on the couch. My brothers were out to town with some friends..... I'd like to do that too, but you see, in this town, I don't know any friends. I spent my school days in a boarding school and the only friends I knew is either a 100 miles away or in college in the peninsular. We barely have any neighbour... I mean, we are living in the school compound for God's sake.
I looked at my phone, none of my messages to my friends were replied. Guess they are just busy... That's all...
Maybe it's better this way. Stop thinking about others who are an ocean away and start looking for a nearer company... But how could I? I'm stuck at home...
I wish I will be able to continue my studies next year... Hoping I will find someone to call "my best friend" again... Or perhaps love. Yeah... I would want that.
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