I don't Understand!! (Translate)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

...and my world came tumbling down. PART II

MARCH 5th 2013

    My parents have requested to proceed with my treatments at home, Sabah. After all the necessary documents are handed over to us, we left the hospital at 9pm and spent the night in a hotel. The next day, I went back to my campus to pick a few things, and met some of my friends for the last time before I leave for Sabah.

MARCH 6th 2013

    We were on a plane bound for Kuala Lumpur, then another one bound for Kota Kinabalu. We landed safely in KKIA at 3.30 pm, then proceed our 2 hours road journey heading for Keningau. I didn't even got the chance to go back home once we arrived at Keningau, but instead we rushed to the hospital. I waited for hours in the emergency room, waiting for a spot in the medical ward. At 1 am, finally they called my name. It has been a horrible day for me and my parents... We were extremely exhausted.


MARCH 9th 2013

    I met Dr. Reena, a very friendly female doctor in charge in the ward. I remembered asking her, what is really wrong with me...

"We suspect that your right lung have been infected by some kind of bacteria, but we are yet to confirm... You might also have an infection or abnormality in you heart... Do you mind telling me more about your lifestyle? Are you in a constant emotional pressure?"

       And we had small talks... I remembered she told me,

       "I really want to help you, Peter. You are young and have a bright future ahead of you. But the doctors right now still cannot determine what your real problem is. We have given you "mega" antibiotics alas to no avail... I hope you are coping well... Have faith and be patient... You know... You can be a doctor but you can't be God. We'll do our best"


I was referred to Queen Elizabeth I Hospital in Kota Kinabalu few days later. I went through a pleuroscopy procedure and a tube was inserted to my right chest. I was then diagnosed with Pleural Tuberculosis and a possibility of Cardiomegaly, or enlargement of the heart. 

After a month being in 3 different hospitals, I was finally discharged a day before Easter.

Twelve days later, I was back in the hospital due to worsening chest pain and breathlessness. A second tube was inserted and I stayed for another twelve days in the hospital...

During my days in the hospital, I have seen so many life come to an end... including one of my former school teacher. He passed away after 3 days in a coma due to stroke. I've witnessed a man died in front of his wife and son, I saw a mother who collapsed in her tears knowing her son was gone, and there were countless episodes of sheer pain and agony.


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