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Monday, January 17, 2011

My Top 10 Favourite PC Games!!

I am a teenager (well, a young adult actually) and teenagers LOVE COMPUTER GAMING!!!
So do I... I've started playing computer games since i was 10, and now, i still do... and probably forever shall be. This is the list of my FAVOURITE computer games OF ALL TIMES.

Of course, i may get bored playing one particular game after some times, but i have sorted out this game list according to the period of time i've been addicted to it. We shall start from the 10th on the list.

#10: The Sims 2

I've started playing this Simulation Game in 2008. It is a Life-simulation game where you would have to create a family, or maybe a single person, and take control of their everyday life. The people you have created is called Sims. Sims have life goals, wants and fears, the fulfillment of which can produce both positive or negative outcomes.

This game have no FINAL goal, so it is an open-ended game. Once you've created a person, you'll build their house (from house building, to interior deigning to the house's yard) and the sim will give birth (if you want them to) and grow old, and eventually die, and their children will grow old the same way. It's like you are playing as GOD. Control everything and just have fun all the way!

You'll have to control their social relationship too!

A happy family!
#9: Plants VS Zombies
PLANTS VS ZOMBIES! Who could have ever thought... a small game, with great idea of gameplay! Plant vs Zombie is a tower defence game where you are defending your home by using you zombie-attacking plants, along with your neighbour, Crazy Dave.

This game, like any other Pop Cap games, consists of several levels. First, the zombies are attacking your front yard at noon, then, at night (harder because, you can't use several day-time plants) after that, your backyard (which is harder with the presence of your swimming pool), and lastly, your roof (the hardest because, you would have to put vases in order to be able to plant!).

Sounds boring? well, start trying now, and you'll see why this game is nominated as "Casual Game of the Year" and "Outstanding Achievement in Game Design" in 2010!

#8: Cities XL 2011

One of my most favoured genre of a game is, City Building Simulation Game. I purchased Cities XL 2011 on December 2010, and still playing the game to this day. This is also a single-player game.

The concept of this game is to build a modern city and run the city as a mayor. You will take charge of the city layout, budget, beautifications and workplaces. The graphic of this game is state-of-the-art, and probably, the best graphic I've ever encountered in a  city-building game.

This game also involved existing famous landmarks from around the real world, such as the Eiffel Tower, The Petronas Twin Towers and the list goes on.

Well, as you can see in the opposite picture, this is a yet-to-exist building. I believe, the name of this building is, Sky City that is proposed to be build in Japan sometime in the future. 

#7: Caesar IV

Another city-building game! but this time, you are going to build a historical city - The Ancient Roman Empire. In Caesar IV, you are playing as a Governor, and set to build a city under the Caesar in Rome.

You are required to take control of your city's finance, satisfaction, labours, housing, appeal, devotion to the gods, trades, favour to Rome, and also defense.

The graphic of this game is outstanding. Alas, you would want to have a great size of graphic card, preferably, 64MB and at least 1GB of RAM to enjoy this game.

The city I've built
My ancient Rome farms!

What I like about this game is, you may take a 3D journey in an Ancient Rome city, built by you!

Oh, yeah... you would have to build farms too in order to feed your citizens.

#6: The Sims 3

Now, another from the Sims series. I played this game on 2009 to 2010. The concept of this game is similar to the previous version of the game, but now, your sims are able to walk about the neighbourhood! you are able to see the workplace of your sims and more! You may build amazing houses

The graphic is greatly enhanced from the previous version and this game also have it's own Expension Pack, just like the Sims 2.
At the top of your Entertainment career, you would be a famous Rock Star!

Among the amazing houses that you may build and design yourself!
However, I have uninstalled the game from my laptop because i don't think my laptop could bare the system requirements. Still, I loved the gameplay!

#5: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (PES 2011)

At last! a Sport game! Actually, I do not favour playing sport-genre games, but amazingly, this game caught my attention! Frankly, what I love about this football game is due to the existence of  BAL - Become A Legend Game mode.

Messi - the Ambassador of PES 

In BAL, instead of controlling a whole team, you are controlling one particular player that you have created. One of the significant customization that i love about PES (2010 & 2011) when creating a player, you may use the picture of your VERY OWN FACE! I've made my football player look exactly (slightly.... actually) like me! 

An excitement to have your virtual self won one of the world's Major Football Event!
It's an excitement to watch your virtual self score a goal in major football events, such as UEFA, English Premier League, FA cup and the list goes on.

Overall, this is a great play, and exciting character movement with great graphics.

#4: Hotel Giant 2

A management-simulation game! I've dreamed about being a Hotel manager once, but I've decided to become an English educator instead. But, I shall not weep over (one of) my unachieved ambition... Hotel Giant 2 is a hotel-building/management game. 

You will establish a hotel company and build hotels in a particular city in a country - France, America, etc.

You will then have to design the guest rooms, restaurants, shops and whatever you would like to have in your hotel, and you would have specifically determine the quality of the stuff in the rooms, for instance, the food served in the restaurant, the services you guest room's TV provide, the quality of soaps, shampoos and lotions in your bathrooms and more!

You  may want to make sure all your customers are satisfied with your services at the same time, manage the financials of your hotel.

This is the game that i am currently (January 2011) addicted to and still exploring more about this game. I ranked this game at fourth place because the games which topped Hotel Giant 2, have been played at a longer period of time, compared to it.

#3: Age Of Empires III 

A Medieval War Game - I've started playing Age Of Empires III on 2009 after a year playing the older version of the game, Age Of Empire II -  Age of Conquerers. I started with the basic AOE3 (Age Of Empires III) which is set mostly in the New World. 

What is new about AOE3 compared to its older version is that, the player will have a Home City, which you may request goods from while you are at war. The graphic are greatly enhanced with realistic damages on buildings while in battle. There are three modes of game play: story-based campaigns, single player skirmishes (conflicts between teams), and online multiplayer skirmishes. 

The story-based campaign is splendidly exciting. While playing the campaign, you would feel as if you are watching a great movie.

I've had a great satisfaction as I've completed the campaigns, and recently, i've purchased the expansions of the game, Age of Empires III- The War Chiefs, which added native American kingdom to your gameplay, as well as new campaigns which continues the storyline in the basic AOE3 game. Another one is the Age of Empires III- The Asian Dynasties which added three Asian kingdoms, China, Japan and India, and three campaigns for each of the added kingdoms.
Overall, I love this game very much and it topped my list as the best Medieval War Game.

#2: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas takes place within the state San Andreas, which is based on sections of California and Nevada. It comprises three major fictional cities: Los Santos corresponds to real-life Los AngelesSan Fierro corresponds to real-life San Francisco, and although the smallest city, serves as the state capital; and Las Venturas and the surrounding desert correspond to real-life Las Vegas and the Nevada and Arizona desert. 

Players can climb the half-mile (800 m) tall Mount Chiliad (based on Mount Diablo),parachute from various peaks and skyscrapers, and visit 12 rural towns and villages located in three counties: Red County, Flint County, and Bone County. Other notable destinations include Sherman Dam (based on the Hoover Dam), a large secret military base called Area 69 (based on Area 51), a large satellite dish (based on a dish from the Very Large Array), and many other geographical features. 

San Andreas is 13.9 square miles (36 square kilometers), almost four times as large as Vice City, and five times as large as the GTA IIIrendition of Liberty City

The three cities are linked by numerous highways, a train system, and air. While its predecessors' areas were limited to urban locations, San Andreas includes not only large cities and suburbs, but also the rural areas between them. It also has a fictional version of the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base called ingame the Verdant Meadows Airfield.

The best thing about this game is, you may become a criminal, without being guilty! Kill everyone on the street, steal vehicles, provoke gang wars and anything you'd ever think of.

 There are missions to be completed as you went on with the life story of Carl Johnson... Live a free world! You can't do it on the real world!

#1: Sim City 4 Deluxe

And now... my favourite PC game of all time, Sim City 4! I started playing this game in 2005 and fell in love in a matter of minutes after gameplay. I fell in love with architectures since then, and because of this game, I drop out of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (National Secondary School) in order to proceed to Sekolah Menengah Teknik (Technique Secondary School) to take Civil Engineering course fro two years! 

A well-planned transportation system.

This game is about building CITIES in a region and keep building until you've created a urban-mass region. Even though the graphics of the latest city-building games are much, much better, but none can compete with the Mayor-simulation gameplay this game created.

A City amid the hills.
The biggest city that i've ever built, consisted of 660,000 citizens (sims) which is located in a region of 2 Million sims! (you see, it hard to have a million sims in one particular city in this game), with my money balance, 3 000 000 Semilleons (SC4's currency)!!!
A small, densely populated city, with the John Hancock Center building in the downtown area

A city at night

Region consisting of many cities

Disasters occurs - when triggered by you! 

I still play this game to this day, even though the latest, SimCity Societies had long been released. Sim City 4 shall forever be my favourite PC game of all time!

p.s - This is only my personal review on my favourite games that I've owned and played. For those who are interested to try playing any of them, i would recommend you to do so!


  1. I found this very interesting. I am going to admit I have a terrible habit of playing the sims3 constantly until recently. I finally got bored of the game, because I was mostly playing just to build awesome houses, but after awhile, I felt the need to build more; and ever since, I have been looking for a good building game. Judging by the games you have posted, Giant Hotel 2 and Sim City 4 immediately caught my attention, and would probably be the type of game I would be most interested in. So, THANK YOU! I absolutely LOVE you for this!!! Thanks.

    1. you're welcome! glad this old post did someone good :)
