Hey! I thought helping friends is a good deed!
I was in English Studies lecture this morning, and after Ms ES (not real name) said something about our Musical Drama last Sunday, she then turned to our course performa to start today's lesson, then, my friend, Agustus*, asked me to ask Ms Es about our coming play, Mecbeth...
"Tulung oyak kat Ms, bilo nok stat Mcbeth? Klas lain stat doh..." ~~"ask Ms. Es, when will we start on Mecbeth? The other classes has already started..."
So, confidently, I raised my hand and ask, "urmm... Ms.. When are we going to start on Mecbeth?"
what did she answered me?
"Hey! Peter! why are you asking about Mecbeth?? I am following this performa! I was going to start the lesson... you know..."
Well... I felt like, a huge buffalo just spit me on the ear... =_=''
Why didn't Agustus* ask her himself, you may ask? He said, "aku mana tahu nok oyap gano..."~~"I don't know how to ask..."
But, it's okay... I didn't take it to heart... (I put it on my revenge list)
Then, a 2pm, we had Language Description with Miss Eldes (not real name)...
We were studying about Phrasal Verbs... Harith* was there, asked by Miss Eldes to differentiate between adverbial particles and prepositional particles... Hasif answered wrongly.
So, he turned to Isymal* (a friend beside me) and I...
So, as I was explaining to Harith on how an adverbial particles should be, i did not realise that Vouge* (my Indian friend) was explaining about her answer in front.
Then, there was silence... an awkward silence. I looked up, and saw all 27 pairs of eyes were staring at me.
Miss Eldes: Yes, Peter... I asked everyone to stare at you. You were in a very deep discussion there... What is it about? Does it have something to do about grammar?
Me: (OF COURSE IT DOES!!) ..... Yes....
Miss Eldes: About what Vaishu is about to explain?
Me: (SH*T).... No....
Again, a spit to my ear, and to my face, in fact, my whole body and soul... but now, it was an elephant (not referring to my lecturers of course... NO...this is only an exaggeration)
I don't hate my lecturers... but myself... my lecturers have good points to blame me... BUT WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME!!!
Counselor: Tell me, Peter... when did all you problem started?
Peter: It all started,....when I was born...
I was in English Studies lecture this morning, and after Ms ES (not real name) said something about our Musical Drama last Sunday, she then turned to our course performa to start today's lesson, then, my friend, Agustus*, asked me to ask Ms Es about our coming play, Mecbeth...
"Tulung oyak kat Ms, bilo nok stat Mcbeth? Klas lain stat doh..." ~~"ask Ms. Es, when will we start on Mecbeth? The other classes has already started..."
So, confidently, I raised my hand and ask, "urmm... Ms.. When are we going to start on Mecbeth?"
what did she answered me?
"Hey! Peter! why are you asking about Mecbeth?? I am following this performa! I was going to start the lesson... you know..."
Well... I felt like, a huge buffalo just spit me on the ear... =_=''
Why didn't Agustus* ask her himself, you may ask? He said, "aku mana tahu nok oyap gano..."~~"I don't know how to ask..."
But, it's okay... I didn't take it to heart... (I put it on my revenge list)
Then, a 2pm, we had Language Description with Miss Eldes (not real name)...
We were studying about Phrasal Verbs... Harith* was there, asked by Miss Eldes to differentiate between adverbial particles and prepositional particles... Hasif answered wrongly.
So, he turned to Isymal* (a friend beside me) and I...
So, as I was explaining to Harith on how an adverbial particles should be, i did not realise that Vouge* (my Indian friend) was explaining about her answer in front.
Then, there was silence... an awkward silence. I looked up, and saw all 27 pairs of eyes were staring at me.
Miss Eldes: Yes, Peter... I asked everyone to stare at you. You were in a very deep discussion there... What is it about? Does it have something to do about grammar?
Me: (OF COURSE IT DOES!!) ..... Yes....
Miss Eldes: About what Vaishu is about to explain?
Me: (SH*T).... No....
Again, a spit to my ear, and to my face, in fact, my whole body and soul... but now, it was an elephant (not referring to my lecturers of course... NO...this is only an exaggeration)
I don't hate my lecturers... but myself... my lecturers have good points to blame me... BUT WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME!!!
Counselor: Tell me, Peter... when did all you problem started?
Peter: It all started,....when I was born...
u could have just tell the truth. but either way, it's not ur fault. cheerio..
ReplyDeleteAha, cheer up...that's life, there's always ups n downs :)