I don't Understand!! (Translate)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Two thousand fifteen.

It's 2015... And like the past years, this is the time of the year when i will have the urge to put something on my blog... Dasar pemalas.. Haha...

So yeah, a review of 2014.

What can i say... I love it, and I deeply hate it. I love it, because I got to know a bunch of crazy people to call friends. We have such great chemistry, that whenever our group are together, the atmosphere experiences such intense chemical reaction that a potato will appear in mid air, but sometimes a unicorn eating rainbow and pooping butterflies will pop out instead.

Now, I hate it, because 2014 is the year when I lost my only grandfather. We were devastated by his sudden passing. I didn't even got the chance to say a proper goodbye. However, I am sure Nek Umuk is in a much better place now... I pray to that everyday. Grandpa's passing reminds me that the world is truly not our home. Death finds us soon enough... We just have to be prepared... Just like what i am doing.

2014, I went to Medan and Lake Toba in Indonesia. I absolutely enjoyed the week i spent there, although there were certain details of the whole event are not a pleasure to be mentioned - relationship issue again. But yes I love the island... I will go back there someday I'm sure...

The Kundahal Legacy adjourned on 27th December. I can't say it's the best, but it has been a while since my last Black Out... O yeahh.. Haha.. Rice Wine and Grape Wine is a great knock-out remedy. Haha.. Last thing i remembered that night, i was arms-on-shoulder with my cousin's friends, climbing up the stairs and we collapsed like a timber on a mattress. The next morning i woke up to find out I almost drown in my own vomit. Haha... Lucky my newfound friend was such a great buddy and cleaned my mess that night. Sorry man.. Haha

Alright, alright... Reaching towards 2015, there's nothing i would want more than to be done with my studies and my hospital appointments. I never did go to the surgery i was scheduled to because it will interfere with my studies again... So, as I am writing this, I have a few days left before I will go on with the surgery.

I have a certain feeling about this life that I have never shared to anyone. I have that odd feeling, but I'm too afraid to discuss it with anyone... Even with Mervyn, my best listener... I may have to put it on another entry.

About today, 21st of January 2015... It may not be the worst day, but I don't like it. That "feeling betrayed" buff (like in The Sims.. You know... That red symbol with a knife on it) hit me just before i go to bed last night... But I'm doing my best to shrug it off. I have a more important shit to feel bad at... Speaking of which, i just lost my birth certificate, my SPM certificates, my Baptism Certificate, my other Shitificates, just because an idiotic cleaner didn't know how to differenciate between trash and EXTREMELY IMPORTANT DOCUMENT FOLDER.

Ouukay..... Better publish this before i start putting more f*cked up words. Oopss.

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