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Monday, October 14, 2013

An Assignment: The Macbeth Play

In our English Studies subject this semester, we were given an assignment which would require us to perform a drama from a play in the syllabus. On the month of February 2011, the 107 PPISMP (TESL) Semester 2 students were divided into four Houses of Production, where each class were considered as one production house. My class group, TESL 1, was named as the House of Winchester. The play that we were required to do was, “The Tragedy of Macbeth” by William Shakespeare.

On the 10th of February 2011, we formed the committee our production house. At first, I was appointed as the scriptwriter. Unfortunately, everyone was reluctant to be the director of the production house. So, our class monitor picked me to be the director. I was already pleased with my position as the scriptwriter, and I was aiming to be one of the main actors. Therefore, I was slightly unhappy to be appointed as the director as I know the chances for me to hold an important character in the play was thin. But, for the sake of gaining experience and being selfless, I accepted the appointment.

Being the director of a play without enough experience was unimaginably horrible. I went in and out the Language Department to meet my lecturers, I need to prepare practice plans for the play, and the task I disliked the most was, conducting the audition. Scouting talent among your friends could be hard, as you would sometime be accidentally unfair. But, trying to be professional, I put all my personal affairs with my friends aside, and judged their auditions in search for real talents. During the audition, our assistant director, Nur Aunie and I were simply looking for anyone who possessed good voice projections. I was generally disappointed. However, we managed to select our main characters anyway.

In preparing the script, I did not want to rely wholly on the two of our scriptwriters, Shahrul Mubaarak and Khairunisa’. We were all well aware that the scriptwriters are simply editing and simplifying the original script by Shakespeare. However, we would want the storyline in our script to be coherent. As far as I can observe, the two of our scriptwriters had never done any discussion among themselves whatsoever. They were simply dividing tasks on which part of the original script that they should modify. So, as they have come out with their script, there were huge differences of style of presentation, moods and even style of language between the two of them. To tell them what I want, is not an easy task. So, I’ve decided to edit the drafted script myself.

           During the period of practising the play, I have problem with the punctuality of my friends. The regular time for our practise to start was at 8.30 pm. As for me, I always come five minutes earlier. Unfortunately, most of my friends would turn up at 9 pm, and sometimes at 9.30 pm. What added to my dissatisfaction was; they have never come up with any considerable excuse for always being late. Trying to be considerate, I’ve changed the time for our practise to start – at 9 pm. To my disappointment, some of them still turn up 30 minutes later. As the director, I have repeatedly had a talk about this matter to them at the end of every practice sessions, but I guess changing people’s attitude is never an easy task.

Tardiness issues aside, if I were to compare their commitments and acting performance from Day 1 to the week prior to the Big Day, they have shown lots of improvements. From voice projections to body gestures, from facial expressions and dictions, my friends have been improvising and they did great during the show. But of course, there are still a lot more room for improvements. What matters most, to me, is the experience.

Before we began practising the acting part, I thought that we must come out with the background music and sound effects first. This is to ensure that the actors and actresses would be able to get use with the sequence of the music and this would also help them to memorize on what they should do after one action and another. To come up with the proper sound effect and music, the production house appointed a Music Manager. Unfortunately, the appointed person has never showed up in every practice session. In fact, he preferred to be ‘alienated’ by all of us.

            Therefore, without wanting to waste valuable time on such matter, I’ve decided to look and manage the music and sound effects by myself. By this point I’ve realized that, if you want to be satisfied with everything; you have to do it yourself. Of course, it would sound like this play is a ‘one-man show’, but I did that in order to save time and be satisfied with the result. I already have the source to find the music and sound effects anyway, so I thought this might make the work easier.

About the preparation of the props and sets, I must mention Faeez Mahmood, Muhammad Anuar, Nik Ahmad Syahmie, Mohd Irman and Mohd Ikmal for they were the most helpful persons in building the props and sets. During the last two weeks before our performance, we often sleep at 4 am just to complete all of the props and sets. While we were progressing for the acting performance, I’ve realized that to bring the spotlight to our production house, we must show something which possessed a “WOW” factor – something which will impress people. So, I’ve come up with an idea of building a 3D horse as one of our props.

To save time and to be satisfied with the horse prop, I’ve build the horses on my spare time in my room, with the help from my PISMP BM/PSV semester 1 senior, Shahrul Hisyam. My plan worked as we’ve received many compliments from the audience about our horse – Maximus and Black, as I named them.
Another plan that I have come up with on the play, in order to make our class appear significant from the other classes was; a dancing element in the play. During the first part of the act (Act 1, Scene 1), our witches, Khairunisa’, Isymah and Vaishnavi did some mad dancing on an Old Irish music. At first, the three of them - our witches – were not able to dance very well. But as they put their best effort of practising it, they have managed to do it well. As an ex-dancer myself, I know the hardship in learning how to move your body, let alone dancing. Thus, I appreciate their effort very, very much. This element in our play managed to serve as a good introduction to our play, and as an addition, my personal relationships between the three of my friends here are very close now, as I have got to know each of them much better through our dancing practises.

When it comes to costumes, what I had in mind was; spend as little money as possible. Therefore, most of the costume worn during the play, especially by the minor character (ensembles), were owned by the actors/actresses themselves. The costume designers, Nabila Atifah and Marciana Tho, have put a lot of effort in sewing all of the costumes for the main characters. I’ve heard that they worked until the wee hours just to put all the costumes together. But of course, we are still in our stage of learning. We are not tailors, nor fashion designers – but at least we’ve managed to come up with our best. As I’ve said, what matters most is the experience, all you have to concern about is whether you are doing the correct thing or otherwise.

In the acting performance, most of my friends agree that what we were lacking in our House of Production was, acting talents. However, there are some of us who knew how to act very well, for instance, Nabila Hussein – our Lady Macbeth. The actor for Banquo’s character, Shahrul Mubaarak, also have his own unique way of acting in which would entertain most people as he is naturally funny in character. Banquo’s character, in which we have modified a little in our play, managed to deliver some comical messages well during our performance.

            In our play, almost all of the house members were actors and actresses, including myself who held the character as Prince Donalbain. Only our music supervisor, Ling Tuong Sing, who was not assigned to any character. So, most of us were multitasking behind stage during the show. Managing the props, putting on the sets and changing costumes were all done by us alone. Of course, there were some flaws occur, but we've managed to overcome all of it.

Putting up a theater play, with the forces of only 27 people, is an achievement which we could be proud of. Overall, the members of House of Winchester managed to give their best in terms of commitments and cooperation, which enabled the play to be staged. After the end of the play, we have got to know each other better, and we were getting closer in terms of friendship. The experience of performing ‘Macbeth’ drama play will forever be treasured by all of us, TESL 1 - House of Winchester.

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