I don't Understand!! (Translate)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I am just an ordinary man, but...

I am against HOAXES to be spread on Facebook.

In this age of modern technology and communication, we are easily connected to people around the four corners of the planet. It's called "Border-less World".

Almost all of us, have a Facebook account... and most of us, go online everyday.

But, what i dislike the most about Facebook is, when certain people, or organisations are spreading false rumors about a particular person, country, religion, organisation and the list goes on.

For example, recently, there was a new, swirling around FB, claiming that, Mark Zuckerberg (Founder of FACEBOOK) will end the social network (worth $65 Billion) on March 15th 2011.

As it turned out, the shocking news came from a website, which is well-known of publishing fake news. follow this link for more; http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2011/01/09/facebook-will-not-end-on-march-15th-hoax-news-story-spreads-like-wildfire/

And last night, i saw a status of a friend of mine, who stated about the number of the Flight which was hijacked on 9/11... They said it was Fight Q33 NY. When this letters are switched into Wingdings Font on Microsoft Word, it would look like this;

 Q33 NY
Well... what are you thinking when you see those symbols?
But then, after I searched for the ACTUAL flight which hit the Twin Towers, this is what i got;

This Link will explain to you from A-Z. This news and statuses spread are no more than a HOAX.

I am against these kinds of things to be spread on Facebook, is because it is DELUDING!

They are putting wrong thoughts to the mind of the public.

Please people... stop all this. Peace shall be upon us.

I quote from the webpage I've found.

"In short, this email message is a load of baloney and it should not be forwarded. Hoaxes that perpetrate falsehoods about real terrorist attacks are especially heinous. One wonders at the mentality, and motives, of the imbeciles who create hoaxes of this nature. This hoax message dishonours the memory of those who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks. Please do not forward it. "

9/ll Data Table
Airline and Flight NumberTail NumberTotal # People Onboard# Hijackers
American Airlines Flight 11N334AA925
United Airlines Flight 175N612UA655
American Airlines Flight 77N644AA645
United Airlines Flight 93N591UA44*4


  1. People will always tries to find flaws in others...either they are afraid to face the fact that people are doing much better than them or just simply have too much free time - just imagine if those wasted time criticising others used for charity work, I'm sure the world would be a better place.

    God bless you Pete :)

  2. thank you very2 much Nobel.. God Bless you too... :)
