I don't Understand!! (Translate)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Change is nature...

...it is a part of our life that we can influence...and it starts, when we decide.

I know, some may say that you cannot change NATURE... but kind to think of it, change IS nature...

Changes are good... when we are talking to a troubled person, surely the phrase "please change" would pop out.

But, of course, there are instances where we cry over changes.

When a heart change, a man may lost the battle. Especially when you OWN the heart...

You may want to avoid conflicts.You may want to stay in a stable state. You may want to stay peaceful. But you could never do Nothing.

Eventually, you'll have to face the consequences... even if the bitterness could kill.

You may run to a person for help and advices. But it's all depends on you.

You'll have to set your selfishness aside, and think about the person who would be affected by the decisions taken.

Seek guidance from the right source. God.

Alas, people would tend to say, "your heart must be tough",
but if your heart is a Rock, how do you expect flowers to bloom?

Do have a strong mind... but a soft heart.


  1. but some people really have heart as hard as rock..for example..my man..really can't let me go though we're not dating anymore...

  2. tht's either mere male ego or... yes, his heart is damn hard... perhaps, u should give feedback?
