I don't Understand!! (Translate)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

2014... Treat me good.

Today is 16th of February 2014. A month and a half since the year started. I didn't get to celebrate new year's eve like we used to this year. In fact i went to bed at 10pm on new year's eve.... In a motel.... With my parents..... In Kelantan.

That's okay i think... I didn't mind. What metters for me was being able to start studying again..... I was glad to be back on campus. Met many new friends who used to be my juniors, now classmates. Alas, i can only spend less than a month with them. My application to transfer to IPG Gaya Kota Kinabalu was approved sooner than expected.

On the 5th of February, i started my days in my new campus closer to home. I am glad i managed to make friends immediately... But i am yet to experience many things with my new friends.

Last year, i made a list of things i want to have by 2014. So far i have fulfilled one of them which is to buy myself a new set of desktop computer. Another one is still on the way which is to have my driver's liecence. I should be done with it within two or three months.

Right now, i'm in a bus bound for Keningau. I have a date with my doctor tommorow morning. Can't wait.

Oh yea, my hamsters gave birth to 8 little fur balls... They are so cute but i have to give some of them away later. I've lost my cat... Sad but i'm over it... The sunflower i planted out of boredom last year finally bloomed... And i went to my first real date with my new girlfriend yesterday.

So far, things are turning up for me... But after the stressful events that took place last year, i don't want to get too excited with anything. Being turned down really sucks. So... Yeah..better safe than sorry.

This year, if things go as planned, i would get myself a car, and finally go to Busan, South Korea. I've joined the college choir team, and even changed my minor to Music... I pray God will bless me in everything i do this year.

'till then... See ya.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

My 2013 Christmas Celebration

This is more or less the summary of my Christmas Celebration in 2013.

24th Dec;
I woke up late like always, and at noon, Mervyn gave me a call requesting my help to do some errands at his school. We went to Liau elementry, and i helped Mervyn paint the walls of his Computer Lab. We had fun along the way like we always do.. In the evening, i had just enough time to get ready for Christmas Eve Mass at St. Mary Catholic Church. The service ended at 10pm and we went to have some family late-night meal at a local chinese restaurant.

25th Dec;
We woke up early for Christmas Morning Mass at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral. Unlike how it used to be, we didn't put up the Christmas Tree this year. Not even the colourful lights. So nobody expected any present under the Christmas Tree... In fact, we never do that since i was like 12.. For us, Christmas is not about all that. It's Christ and Mass. Not that we are pious or anything, but we prefer not to celebrate Christmas like how the commercial companies told us to.
After church, we went to our usual restaurant to have the same breakfast meal we had every sunday. Once at home, we packed some stuff and some lunch, and went straight to Tambunan. There, we were doing some wood works, fixing and building walls, fences and doors for our family vacation home. We were going to have our Christmas family gathering there on boxing day, we spent the whole day cleaning up the place. While dad and some of my brothers stayed there for the night, my mom, a brother and I went back home because we have doctor's appointment the next day.

26th Dec;
I started boxing day with a visit to the doctor's clinic. During my registration in the hospital, they had some technical confusions and I ended up being tossed around the hospital complex. They said I went to the wrong counter, and after waiting 2 hours at the counter they asked me to go, they said I'm supposed to be at the first counter I went. So.... Yeah. That killed my day. At 2pm, i finally got to see the doctor - only to find I am not supposed to have an appointment today.

I almost lost it. So, they asked me to take some blood samples and come back next monday - the day my family would have another family day at Penampang.

So, I have no choice but to abide.

In the end, I managed to be with my family for Christmas. Though I missed some activities, I had a good time.

God keeps giving me challenges, and I will accept anything He has given to me, and is going to give me soon.