I don't Understand!! (Translate)

Monday, November 18, 2013

One of my article posted for UVSB

“Unless Someone Like You Cares...”

We are still young, yes we are. However, is that an excuse for us to opt-out from the political issues we are facing in our country? Is being young can be considered as a hindrance for anyone to give some attentions, or rather support to the voices of those who care about YOUR country? Is being a student can be considered as an “unfulfilled requirement” for anyone to engage in following the updates of political issues which concerns your own HOME?

Forget about politics for a while... Let us review on how much we actually care about the TRUE HISTORY of the formation of our nation. Ask yourselves, have we been studying the real truth behind the history we were being thought at school? Is it real that that the British North Borneo Chartered Company gave away this piece of land to another independent country, after taking it away from the Brunei and Sulu Sultanates? Is it true that James Brooke “annexed” Sarawak and the Brooke family was a dynasty of “Penjajah Kejam – Cruel Colonizer”? Is it true that Sabah and Sarawak gained independence on the 16th of September 1963?

While many can argue about the motions stated, one thing for sure, we were cognizant of the full fact as we have not been thought about the hidden truth behind each “fact” we have learned. If you would care, even for a bit, to help yourself to garner enough information pertaining to the true history timeline of our countries, you should have been able to think or merely consider thinking about the future of Sabah and Sarawak in the federation.

Personally, I am not speaking on behalf of any political parties going against another political party, and we do not expect you to do so too. But what we (the “awaken” young generations of Sabah and Sarawak) want you to think are simply about the future of Sabah and Sarawak in our beloved Federation of Malaysia. Look around you and open your eyes. Is having a blue plastic water tank and a spontaneous “consolation money” given to you is enough for our future?? Are you happy and content enough to receive a small amount of money that you can sit back and relax, while we are rightfully entitled for a bigger amount?

This is not a question of being greedy nor is it about being ungrateful, but it is the question about OUR RIGHTS. How can you say we are demanding too much, while others are rapaciously taking away what is rightfully ours? The late Tun Fuad Stephens was crystal clear in his statement, “...my people feel that if North Borneo joins Malaya now as a state, it would in fact mean that North Borneo would become not a State but a colony of the Federation of Malaya. As I have said before, THESE FEARS ARE GENUINE……..the fear that by virtue of our status as a British Colony we would automatically become a second-class state or a colony of Malaya…”

How could anyone, any “Wakil Rakyat”, or even Minister (federal or State), could have the audacity of denying the relevancy of the pre-requisite requirements North Borneo (Sabah) stated prior to the birth of Malaysia? Who is the real Traitor to The People here? Are we going to simply sit around, clogging our ears between deafening music from our headphones, nailing our eyes onto video games or gooey-romantic movie drama? Should we simply leave this affairs to the veteran political leaders, whose days are counted? Are we going to be mindless sheep resting behind sweet-smiling wolves forever?

Have you ever feel of getting tired of being looked down upon? Have you ever feel pity or sympathetic to “SABAH BEING THE POOREST OIL-PRODUCING STATE” in the federation? Have you ever feel scared when the CHILDREN OF THE LAND, theBumiputras, are slowly becoming a MINORITY thanks to the influx of sponsored immigrants holding a blue identity card; joyously proclaim their citizenship of Sabah? Have we not seen enough?? It has been a long and agonizing 50 years…….. Are we going to wait for another 50?

Dear Sabahans and Sarawakians, Dr. Seuss was right, “UNLESS SOMEONE LIKE YOU, CARES A WHOLE AWFUL LOT, NOTHING IS GOING TO GET BETTER. IT'S NOT.” It begins with a simple attention, which will bring you to a simple awareness, to become conscious of the world around you, and drive you to be vocal in your opinion, and will be followed by action. Stand together with our people, to change the fate of our Nations, for we have grown weary being trampled down by cunning hypocrites. Let us engage in this movement, and ESTABLISH AN APOLITICAL COMRADESHIP TRANSCENDING RACE AND RELIGION, TO BRING BACK WHAT WAS ONCE OUR RIGHT.

*This article is also shared in UVSB Official blog site

Sunday, November 17, 2013

My article on UVSB official blog... no harm to share again, yes?

Ever since as I can remember, I have always been proud to be born Malaysian. They called me “Anak Malaysia” or “Anak Merdeka” for I was born on 31st of August 1992. In my mind back then, 31st of August 1957 was the dayMALAYSIA gained it’s sovereignty from the British Crown. It was not until recently, when I found out the shocking flaws in the statement, “31 Ogos 1957, MALAYSIA Merdeka” (Thanks to our beloved Datuk Dr. Jeffery Kitingan for the wake-up call).

            Betrayed, fooled, disappointed and angry I was, upon learning the ugly truth behind the “Colourful Nation” we call home. If you are well versed about the true history of the formation of Malaysia, and the birth of the Nation of Sabah, you should be able to relate the feeling I am experiencing, and no further repeated explanation should be made in this article.

            During the 2012 Olympic Games in London, there was a video showing compilations of singing Choirs from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland shown during the opening ceremony, and I recalled the commentator said – “That was the beautiful voices representing the FOUR NATIONS forming the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland…” (rephrased) and I thought to myself, Malaysia should have been like that instead of the 13 states we know of today, now should it?? It is NOT UNNATURAL to have a country, within a country, now is it?

            After learning the fact that Sabah (North Borneo) and Sarawak had been blatantly bullied by our superior “masters”, I felt the need to be responsible; the urge to call for a fight, to say to all Sabahans and Sarawakians,“WAKE UP AND STAND UP FOR OUR NATIONS.” We don’t have to be afraid to fight for the truth! Who do you expect to fight for our freedom than ourselves? The people of the Land, the masters of our own sovereign NATIONS. We do not need to pick up weapons, NO. Violence is never the answer. This is the 21st Century. After all, words are sharper than swords, yes?

            Scrolling through my news feed on Facebook, I could see there are many young generations of Sabahan and Sarawakian who has begun to realise the power of utilizing technology in the expression of ideas. I did the same too. However, there are still some narrow-minded young generations who prefer to be neutral pertaining to this issue. Whenever we post something about “Negara Sabah, Negara Sarawak”, “18/20 Perkara”, “Agenda Borneo” and surely negative, demotivating remarks would certainly came out. “Fuuyoo, pembangkang oo…” or, “anti-kerajaan kah?” or merely, “Sudah-sudahlah berpolitik bah…” and of course, whenever we uttered “The Time is Now - INI KALILAH” they will quickly and idiotically say, “Lain kalilah bah…”  Those, my dear comrades, are called being arrogant and “Ignorant” and remember, “There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe).

            Some even came to me and said, “There’s nothing we can do anyway... We cannot do anything about it (Sabah and Sarawak are sovereign nations rather than mere states).” Well, if you think there is nothing we can do about it, you are horribly wrong. Look again, look closely... what do you think I AM DOING??? YES! There is something we can do about it! We have been doing it all along! The power lies on the hands of the people! It’s cliche but is very, very true! Why is it, when a “King” fighting for freedom, he is called a Hero, but when a “Peasant” fights for fredom, he is a Rebel? Ask them.

            To be involved in political matters, you are never demanded to be a politician. You never have to be a rabid fanatic to fight for the truth for the freedom of your Nation. You never have to be a “pembangkang” nor anti-government, to express your ideas of freedom. You never have to be hateful, but you have to be vocal. When they say to you, “You are opposing the government – Kamu ini pembangkang.” then simply answer to them, “I am simply fighting for my freedom – Kami bukan pembangkang, namun hanya ingin berjuang.” NEVER BE AFRAID TO FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT, but be smart in doing so. If they prefers to be neutral, and keep on being fooled after 50 years, say to them, “I respect your right to be fooled, but please respect my right and the rights of my Country.

             Until Sabah and Sarawak are once again Independent Nations, we will not rest. Until the 18/20 Agreement is honoured once again, we will not settle for the least. We shall prove them wrong, that there is something the young generations can do, to bring back what our forefathers has fight for. As the saying goes, “I don’t want you to think like me, I just want you to think.” Be smart in this 21st Century Freedom War. Be respectful, and professional, and then surely, Malaysia should be the dream country our ancestors has dreamed of.

Until then, I am very, very proud to be born on the same date; SABAH was made a Sovereign and Independent Nation on 31st of August 1963.