yep... have not being able to post anything since..... forever...
It's tough being a minority, i tell you. let it be because of your race, ancestry, or religion....... especially religion.
I miss Sabah........... the old Sabah... the times when i did not know how many of my friends are christians, and how many of the are not. that was because we did not care about all of those....
After being in "the other nation" (since 'they' always say, "Semenanjung, Sabah & Sarawak") all of the wonderful harmonies that i used to experience at home - gone. turned to dusts. to shit.
Every time i open my Facebook, there they are...... posting some (many actually) ugly claims - and mostly far from truth - about my faith.
What on earth can i do? They're the boss.... they made sure we know that... at the same time appearing as a good Samaritan did they...
Don't get me wrong... please try to understand me, or us, and how would it be like, if you're in my shoes.
Since the incident of banning the usage of a word in The Herald publications, tensions between the people of multiple beliefs in this country worsened.... even in Sabah.
I'm not suppose to talk anything about this..... but i am not suppose to play dumb and shut up either.
All i'm saying is, many may not see it but....... We are being prosecuted. Come on.... even the outside media could see this.
I may provide you with some gruesome evidences, but then, i'd suppose you would want to Google further yourself.
Sometime ago, when i was in school, trying to do researches for my debate text, i've found so many books pertaining to religious issues written by these people of particular majority.
In those book, they blatantly pointed out the flaws and ugly features of Christianity (eg, how the Holy Bible was re-written, how Christianity spread through violence etc).
Recently, i was doing an assignment about this religion's and Asian Civilization History... guess what? For the final chapter of the book was about how civilizations failed in Europe. The article was written by a scholar (as he appeared so), but then he mad some statement such as,
"Bagi saya, agama Kristianlah yang menyebabkan kejatuhan...." bla...blaa...blaaa... and so on. I still have the book to this day.
NOW, food for the thought; how would it be like if WE, the Christians, PUBLISH an EDUCATIONAL book with articles such as those?
Haha... for sure... it would not be tolerated. But? What action did they take on this matter?? None.
I've lost my interest to proceed on this matter for now. So, here's some links which you might find interesting...
Recently, i was doing an assignment about this religion's and Asian Civilization History... guess what? For the final chapter of the book was about how civilizations failed in Europe. The article was written by a scholar (as he appeared so), but then he mad some statement such as,
"Bagi saya, agama Kristianlah yang menyebabkan kejatuhan...." bla...blaa...blaaa... and so on. I still have the book to this day.
NOW, food for the thought; how would it be like if WE, the Christians, PUBLISH an EDUCATIONAL book with articles such as those?
Haha... for sure... it would not be tolerated. But? What action did they take on this matter?? None.
I've lost my interest to proceed on this matter for now. So, here's some links which you might find interesting...
Lord Have Mercy.