I don't Understand!! (Translate)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

You are one of a kind.

I have never loved anyone like i DO to you...

I have been loving you..... alas; TOO MUCH.

I know we will never be together forever, but both of us agree that we will not  let our souls apart - no matter what.

I've had the sweetest memory of my life while i'm with you....... so sweet.... perhaps too sweet....

but you are also the one who hurt me the most......... and the pain is unexplainable by words.... i don't think i can explain it physically either....

But i want you to know and BELIEVE in one thing;


though i may be with someone else, you should know that YOU ARE ALWAYS THE ONE I LOVE.

Monday, August 1, 2011

HALLO!!!!!!! It has been sooooo long...... something new is coming;

OKAY! sudah lama saya xupdate blog, baca pun x, lawat pun x.... Skg, 1st tyme dtg balik sejak sem lepas.... guess what is new??


okay... instead, let's make it BILINGUAL... haha...

If u look at my previous posts, i've been writing in English.... tapi, memandangkan English is not my native tongue; neither do Malay; and kalau saya guna bahasa Kadazan di sini; mmg sikit urang yg paham, so; I AM FREE TO USE ANY LANGUAGE I PREFER.

As long as i am happy. haha...  tida bah.... (nah start sudah bahasa Sabah)...

Bah, saya sikarang semester 3 suda. mau dakat ptengahan semester sudah and sudah genap 1 TAHUN saya jejak kaki di NEGERI KELANTAN.

TAPI; saya bukan mau membebel pasal tu..... Saya cuma mau cakap satu benda jak.........

HAI SEMUA..........